What is the 2nd step towards success?

22 May

Hello World,

Now  that I know you have done your homework in getting your domain name of your business and your personal name also.  We can now get started with the 2nd step towards you being greater than you think.  Remember you have to always keep in mind that there is no limit to how  far you can go in life with the lessons I’m about to teach you.   Ok so on that note the 2nd step to being successful in your business is to advertise.  So the next homework assignment is for you to get a LinkedIn account as well as a Facebook fan page account.   Don’t worry I’m going to show you how and  if you have these two accounts then that’s ok.  Because you want to place ads on these accounts to promote your business no matter if it is a storefront business or on an internet business it will work.

1st when you sign up for your business Facebook account you want to look for the words that read ” Create a Page

Then enter  your business name and website, if you don’t have a site its ok you can go back later and update it, but you do have to have an email address for contacting you.  So now that you have followed the steps from the link above and set up your account on Linkedin.com,  then come back 2morrow or the day after for the next step. 

Until 2morrow. Dream big and live bigger.

What is HOLDING you back from…………

19 May

So, what is holding you back from getting the things you want in life.  Are you like me where the simple things could be holding you back or is it that evil voice inside of your head that is repeating over and over again that you…

  • aren’t good enough to accomplish that task
  • can’t be the one who can lead you team or co-workers
  • can’t talk to that person, cause of what they might think

or are you the one where it is not your mind, but the voice of a spouse or close relative.   What I say to that is, it is time to kick them to the curb.  Come back to them when you can do a  success pull-up.  That means when you buy that new vehicle, clothes, or jewelry you can do a drive by pull up in their driveway, take a picture, post it on Facebook what ever it may be.  But remember you only need to do it once after that they just hear about you.

Now, how is all this going to come about.  It all starts with starting something it doesn’t matter if it’s with your internet business, network marketing business, and or your small business.  All the success you need you can get from all the above businesses. 

You say, “HOW”, I’m so glad you asked.   Because I will be showing you how, little by little, because I want some comment on if what I’m saying is understandable.  I don’t want to have anyone confused like some of the sites I’ve been on.  So, I will be making it as simple as possible for free.

First things first go to GODADDY.com and get your business name  and then you’re own name cause you don’t want your birth name coming up as a porn site on google.

Ok, after that find out what you like as a hobbies or what you enjoy at your job.  Because you want to make sure the people reading your newsletter or blog or ad in newspaper that they like something about you, that would make them want to walk into your store, subscribe to your newsletter or comment or ask questions on your blog.

Ok World, until 2morrow for step two.  Go do your homework.   DREAM BIG and you’ll GET BIGGER SUCCESS.

What’s keeping you from SUCCESS!

18 May

Let me tell you what use to keep me from Success in making money in my business.  My down fall was PROCRASTINATION.   I have the key and the know how to get all the money to get what I wanted, but my famous line was, ” I’ll  take care of that tomorrow.  But tomorrow turned into the next day and the day after that until a month would have gone by.   Then I read something in the book “Think and Grow Rich”, by Napoleon Hill, where he talks about “Old Man Procrastination.”  

Boy, talk about something that was true for me.  He talks about how most of us go through life as failures, because we are waiting for the time to be right.  Don’t wait because in your eye’s it will never be right.  At least that’s what I thought. 

Now let me show you how to get through all this.  First, just start with what you have and work with that.  Second, write down what has to be done and make sure it is no more than 3 to 4 things, because you want to do your best in the goals that you have listed that day. Finally, don’t beat yourself up when you only got 2 out of 4 done.  Be happy for yourself, because at least you didn’t PROCRASTINATE and put it off until tomorrow.  

So, until tomorrow do your homework and make that list. Now, just remember you deserve to be successful in all things.

Hello world!

17 May

Welcome to my blog this is the information diva with a lot to share with you on my journey to weight loss and getting over my shyness that I had experienced months ago.  Now once  or twice a week I’m going to show you how you can do it too  for free. Now stay tune to learning more about me.